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Frequently Asked Questions

We will answer general questions regarding our record series. We will not handle any specific research questions. Requests need to be made by visiting the facility, email, fax, regular mail or through the website.
Yes. We now accept Visa, Master Card and Discover Cards for copies made while visiting the facility and for copies ordered through mail or online. If you are paying with a credit card, it is done through PayGOV. Please note, PayGOV has a minimum charge of $1.00. If you have any problems or questions with this feature, please contact the customer service number located under Terms and Conditions on PayGOV page. Please do not send payment with your initial request.
Yes, all staff members answer research requests.
Yes, unless you request otherwise, the Archives sends all copies electronically.
Due to the quantity and size of images all documents are scanned in black and white when possible.
The York County Archives does not hold any military records. You will need to contact the Pennsylvania State Archives.
For birth records after 1906, please contact the Pennsylvania Department of Health at 1-844-228-3516.
If you are looking for a marriage after 1949, contact the Clerk of the Orphans' Court.
Prior to 1906, Pennsylvania only kept birth and death records for the years we list. Government birth and death records never existed for any other time periods in Pennsylvania. The best alternatives are church records or family files found at the York County History Center.
Adams County was formed out of York County in January 1800. The York County Archives holds Adams County's records from 1749-1799. After January 1800, please contact the Adams County Historical Society.
The York County Archives only has county government records. You will need to contact York County History Center for these records.
No, we have listed the most commonly used or indexed record series. If you are looking for a record series, not on the list, please email the Archives.
Naturalizations are a Federal Record. The York County Archives or any county official CANNOT certify these records because they are under federal jurisdiction. Please see Naturalization Records | National Archives for further information regarding the naturalization process as well as answers to your frequently asked questions. You may require apostille services and can find further information on the following websites: Get Document Certifications & Apostilles | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Authenticate an official document for use outside the U.S. | USAGov
York County Archives | 150 Pleasant Acres Road York, PA 17402 | 717-840-7222 phone | 717-840-7224 fax | Email Us
© 2018 York County Archives, York County Government