Clerk of Courts Quarter Session Dockets (1749-1876)
Quarter Sessions/Clerk of Courts Dockets, 1749-1876
Description: Dockets used to record cases heard in the court of Quarter Sessions.
Content: Includes court term and case number, name of defendant(s), attorney, witnesses, prosecutor, jurors and judge, plea, verdict, disposition, and cost. Includes road records from 1749-1790. May also include information on appointment of township officials such as constables, supervisors of highways and overseers of the poor; appointment of Grand Jury; tavern, public houses of entertainment and liquor licenses through 1806; tavern rates; cases involving apprentice and indentured service matters; recognizances; Commissioners qualified; bail bond; election result for Commissioners; surety of the peace; livestock brands; oyer and terminer cases; peddler licenses through 1834; licenses to ask for charity; and traverse jurors.