Register of Physicians and Surgeons, 1881-1955.
Description: Dockets kept by the Prothonotary's office for recording the registration of physicians and surgeons practicing in the county.
Content: Docket lists the names, place of birth, residence, medical degrees (institution and dates), other degrees (institutions and dates), place(s) of continuous practice in PA since 1871, date of license by Pennsylvania State Medical Council, Name of Prothonotary, date subscribed and signature of doctor.
Diplomas for Doctors, Dentists and Veterinarians, 1886-1896, 1899, 1900, 1902, 1914.
Description: Handwritten copies of Diplomas kept by the county.
Content: The diplomas are written in Latin. They list the date filed; name of doctor, dentist or veterinarian; name of college or university and location; and type of degree. May also have signatures of professors and what they taught.
Register's Docket - Physicians, 1853
Description: List of physicians in practice in 1853. Very few entries.
Content: Lists the date entered, name of physician and township or borough.