Stallion Register Dockets
Stallion Register Dockets, 1894-1907 and 1910-1925.
Description: Dockets kept to record breeding information for stallions. The docket dating from 1894 to1907 is from the Clerk of Courts office. The docket from 1910 to 1925 was recorded in the Prothonotary's office. Both dockets are indexed in the front of the books.
Content: The docket from 1894-1907 contains the name of agent or owner, name of horse, registered number, age, height, weight, color, record, sire, dam, conditions and terms, name of clerk of courts, and date subscribed before the clerk. The docket from 1910-1925 lists certificates of grade and purebred stallions, number, pedigree, name, owner, height, weight color, year foaled, if determined purebred after examination, date, name of secretary of state livestock sanitary board, name of person in charge of breeding free from disease, date, and prothonotary.